48-2c-209. Correcting filed documents. (1) A domestic or foreign company may correct a document filed with the division if thedocument:
(a) contains an incorrect statement, misspelling, or other technical error or defect; or
(b) was defectively signed, attested, sealed, verified, or acknowledged.
(2) A document is corrected by delivering to the division for filing articles of correctionthat:
(a) describe the document, including its filing date, or have a copy of it attached to thearticles of correction;
(b) specify the incorrect statement and the reason it is incorrect or the manner in whichthe signing, attestation, sealing, verification, or acknowledgment was defective; and
(c) correct the incorrect statement, misspelling, or other technical error or defect, ordefective signing, attestation, sealing, verification, or acknowledgment.
(3) Articles of correction may be signed by any person designated in Section
48-2c-204,or by any person who signed the document that is corrected.
(4) Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document they correctexcept as to persons relying on the uncorrected document and adversely affected by thecorrection. As to those persons, articles of correction are effective when filed with the division.
Enacted by Chapter 260, 2001 General Session