48-2c-211. Appeal from division's refusal to file document. (1) If the division refuses to accept a document delivered to it for filing, the domestic orforeign company for which the filing was requested, or its representative, within 30 days after theeffective date of the notice of refusal given by the division pursuant to Subsection
48-2c-210(3),may appeal the refusal to the district court of the county where the company's principal office isor will be located, or if there is none in this state, Salt Lake County. The appeal is commencedby petitioning the court to compel the filing of the document and by attaching to the petition acopy of the document and the division's notice of refusal.
(2) The court may summarily order the division to file the document or take other actionthe court considers appropriate.
(3) The court's final decision may be appealed as in any other civil proceedings.
Amended by Chapter 364, 2008 General Session