48-2c-802. Agency authority of members and managers. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), in a member-managed company:
(a) each member is an agent of the company for the purpose of its business;
(b) an act of a member, including the signing of a document in the company name, forapparently carrying on in the ordinary course of the company business, or business of the kindcarried on by the company, binds the company, unless the member had no authority to act for thecompany in the particular matter and the lack of authority was expressly described in the articlesof organization or the person with whom the member was dealing knew or otherwise had noticethat the member lacked authority; and
(c) an act of a member which is not apparently for carrying on in the ordinary course ofthe company business, or business of the kind carried on by the company, binds the company onlyif the act was authorized by the other members in accordance with Section
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), in a manager-managed company:
(a) each manager is an agent of the company for the purpose of its business;
(b) a member is not an agent of the company for the purpose of its business solely byreason of being a member;
(c) an act of a manager, including the signing of a document in the company name, forapparently carrying on in the ordinary course of the company business, or business of the kindcarried on by the company, binds the company unless the manager had no authority to act for thecompany in the particular matter and the lack of authority was expressly described in the articlesof organization or the person with whom the manager was dealing knew or otherwise had noticethat the manager lacked authority; and
(d) an act of a manager which is not apparently for carrying on in the ordinary course ofthe company business, or business of the kind carried on by the company, binds the company onlyif the act was authorized by the members in accordance with Subsection
48-2c-803(2) or (3).
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections (1) and (2), unless the articles oforganization expressly limit their authority, any member in a member-managed company, or anymanager in a manager-managed company, may sign, acknowledge, and deliver any documenttransferring or affecting the company's interest in real or personal property, and if the authority isnot so limited, the document shall be conclusive in favor of a person who gives value withoutknowledge of the lack of authority of the person who signs and delivers the document.
Enacted by Chapter 260, 2001 General Session