49-11-616. Benefits information. (1) The office shall provide written general information to each participating employerconcerning benefits available under this title.
(2) (a) A participating employer shall provide the information under Subsection (1) toeach eligible employee immediately upon:
(i) termination of service;
(ii) leave of absence;
(iii) commencement of long-term disability benefits; or
(iv) retirement.
(b) (i) Each participating employer shall maintain the records necessary to demonstratethat each employee has received the information outlined in Subsection (1).
(ii) The records shall be made available to the office upon request.
(3) (a) The office shall provide each participating employer with a form to be signed byeach employee which verifies that the employee has been given the information required by thissection.
(b) A copy of the signed form shall be immediately forwarded to the office by theparticipating employer or the employee.
(4) The dissemination of information to the employer by the office under this sectionconstitutes presentment by the policyholder under Title 31A, Chapter 22, Contracts in SpecificLines, and other law.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 250, 2002 General Session