49-11-618. Members and beneficiaries subject to chapter -- Furnishing ofinformation -- Confidentiality of information. (1) (a) Every member, retiree, participant, covered individual, alternate payee, andbeneficiary is subject to this chapter, rules made by the board or office, board actions, resolutions,policies, and procedures adopted under this title.
(b) Each member, retiree, participant, covered individual, alternate payee, and beneficiaryshall furnish to the office any information required to carry out the purposes of this title.
(2) (a) All data in the possession of the office is confidential, and may not be divulged bythe office except as permitted by board action.
(b) All data in the possession of the office or divulged pursuant to board action shall beused for the sole purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this title.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 250, 2002 General Session