49-22-202. Participation of employers -- Limitations -- Exclusions -- Admissionrequirements. (1) Unless excluded under Subsection (2), an employer is a participating employer andmay not withdraw from participation in this system.
(2) An employer that is a charter school sponsored by the State Board of Education or aschool district may be excluded from participation in this system if the charter school makes anelection of nonparticipation in accordance with Section
53A-1a-512 unless the charter schoolmakes a one-time, irrevocable retraction of the election of nonparticipation in accordance withSubsection
(3) (a) An employer may, by resolution of its governing body, apply for admission to thissystem.
(b) Upon approval of the resolution by the board, the employer is a participatingemployer in this system and is subject to this title.
(4) If a participating employer purchases service credit on behalf of regular full-timeemployees for service rendered prior to the participating employer's admission to this system, theservice credit shall be purchased in a nondiscriminatory manner on behalf of all current andformer regular full-time employees who were eligible for service credit at the time service wasrendered.
Enacted by Chapter 266, 2010 General Session