51-9-203. Requirements for tobacco programs. (1) To be eligible to receive funding under this part for a tobacco prevention, reduction,cessation, or control program, an organization, whether private, governmental, orquasi-governmental, shall:
(a) submit a request to the Department of Health containing the following information:
(i) for media campaigns to prevent or reduce smoking, the request shall demonstratesound management and periodic evaluation of the campaign's relevance to the intended audience,particularly in campaigns directed toward youth, including audience awareness of the campaignand recollection of the main message;
(ii) for school-based education programs to prevent and reduce youth smoking, therequest shall describe how the program will be effective in preventing and reducing youthsmoking;
(iii) for community-based programs to prevent and reduce smoking, the request shalldemonstrate that the proposed program:
(A) has a comprehensive strategy with a clear mission and goals;
(B) provides for committed, caring, and professional leadership; and
(C) if directed toward youth:
(I) offers youth-centered activities in youth accessible facilities;
(II) is culturally sensitive, inclusive, and diverse;
(III) involves youth in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of services that affect them;and
(IV) offers a positive focus that is inclusive of all youth; and
(iv) for enforcement, control, and compliance program, the request shall demonstrate thatthe proposed program can reasonably be expected to reduce the extent to which tobacco productsare available to individuals under the age of 19;
(b) agree, by contract, to file an annual written report with the Department of Health. The report shall contain the following:
(i) the amount funded;
(ii) the amount expended;
(iii) a description of the program or campaign and the number of adults and youth whoparticipated;
(iv) specific elements of the program or campaign meeting the applicable criteria setforth in Subsection (1)(a); and
(v) a statement concerning the success and effectiveness of the program or campaign;
(c) agree, by contract, to not use any funds received under this part directly or indirectly,to:
(i) engage in any lobbying or political activity, including the support of, or opposition to,candidates, ballot questions, referenda, or similar activities; or
(ii) engage in litigation with any tobacco manufacturer, retailer, or distributor, except toenforce:
(A) the provisions of the Master Settlement Agreement;
(B) Title 26, Chapter 38, Utah Clean Air Act;
(C) Title 26, Chapter 42, Civil Penalties for Tobacco Sales to Underaged Persons; and
(D) Title 77, Chapter 39, Sale of Tobacco and Alcohol to Underaged Persons; and
(d) agree, by contract, to repay the funds provided under this part if the organization:
(i) fails to file a timely report as required by Subsection (1)(b); or
(ii) uses any portion of the funds in violation of Subsection (1)(c).
(2) The Department of Health shall review and evaluate the success and effectiveness ofany program or campaign that receives funding pursuant to a request submitted under Subsection(1). The review and evaluation:
(a) shall include a comparison of annual smoking trends;
(b) may be conducted by an independent evaluator; and
(c) may be paid for by funds appropriated from the account for that purpose.
(3) The Department of Health shall annually report to the Health and Human ServicesAppropriations Subcommittee on the reviews conducted pursuant to Subsection (2).
(4) An organization that fails to comply with the contract requirements set forth inSubsection (1) shall:
(a) repay the state as provided in Subsection (1)(d); and
(b) be disqualified from receiving funds under this part in any subsequent fiscal year.
(5) The attorney general shall be responsible for recovering funds that are required to berepaid to the state under this section.
(6) Nothing in this section may be construed as applying to funds that are notappropriated under this part.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session