51-9-405. Substance Abuse Prevention Account established -- Funding -- Uses. (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the SubstanceAbuse Prevention Account.
(2) (a) The Division of Finance shall allocate to the Substance Abuse PreventionAccount from the collected surcharge established in Section
(i) 2.5% for the juvenile court, but not to exceed the amount appropriated by theLegislature; and
(ii) 2.5% for the State Office of Education, but not to exceed the amount appropriated bythe Legislature.
(b) The juvenile court shall use the allocation to pay for compensatory service programsrequired by Subsection
(c) The State Office of Education shall use the allocation in public school programs for:
(i) substance abuse prevention and education;
(ii) substance abuse prevention training for teachers and administrators; and
(iii) district and school programs to supplement, not supplant, existing local preventionefforts in cooperation with local substance abuse authorities.
Amended by Chapter 356, 2009 General Session