51-9-602. Creation of fund -- County Road and School Fund from Forest Reserves. There is established a fund known as the "County Road and School Fund from ForestReserves," comprised of:
(1) monies which shall come into the hands of the state treasurer from the United Statesunder the Act of May 23, 1908, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 500 et seq., and all acts amendatory thereof andsupplementary thereto; and
(2) monies paid under the act described in Subsection (1) that:
(a) have come into the hands of the state treasurer; and
(b) (i) the state treasurer had not apportioned to counties as of February 24, 2009; or
(ii) were apportioned to a county by the state treasurer, but were returned by the countyto the state treasurer on or before June 15, 2009.
Amended by Chapter 4, 2009 Special Session 1