52-2-1. Time in which to qualify -- Failure -- Office declared vacant. Whenever any person duly elected or appointed to any office of the state or any of itspolitical subdivisions, fails to qualify for such office within 60 days after the date of beginning ofthe term of office for which he was elected or appointed, such office shall thereupon becomevacant and shall be filled as provided by law. Whenever the bond of any officer of the state or ofany of its political subdivisions is canceled, revoked, annulled or otherwise becomes void or ofno effect, without another proper bond being given so that continuance of bonded protection isafforded, the office of such officer shall thereupon become vacant and shall be filled as providedby law. Any elected or appointed official who has failed on the effective date of this act toqualify for the position to which he was elected or appointed, shall be deemed to come within theprovisions of this act, and the office of such officer shall become vacant at the end of 40 daysafter the effective date of this act unless legal bond is given before the expiration of such period,and such office shall be filled as provided by law.
No Change Since 1953