52-5-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) (a) "Contribution" means any of the following:
(i) a gift, subscription, donation, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of valueto a fund;
(ii) an express, legally enforceable contract, promise, or agreement to make a gift,subscription, donation, unpaid or partially unpaid loan, advance, or deposit of money or anythingof value to a fund; or
(iii) any transfer of funds from another elected official or surrogate to the filing electedofficial's or surrogate's fund.
(b) "Contribution" does not include money lent to the elected official or surrogate by afinancial institution in the ordinary course of business.
(2) "Disbursement" means monies, transfers, or other withdrawals from a fund for anypurpose.
(3) "Elected official" means each person elected to a state office, county office,municipal office, school board or school district office, local district office, or special servicedistrict office, but does not include judges standing for retention election.
(4) (a) "Fund" means any sum of money or other resources, however titled or described,that is segregated, designated, or set aside for the use or benefit of an elected official.
(b) "Fund" does not mean:
(i) an elected official's or surrogate's private money or public money; or
(ii) campaign funds or accounts established by candidates under the authority of Title20A, Chapter 11, Part 2, State Office Candidates - Campaign Organization and FinancialReporting Requirements, Title 20A, Chapter 11, Part 3, Candidates for Legislative Office -Campaign Organization and Financial Reporting Requirements, and Title 20A, Chapter 11, Part4, Officeholder Financial Reporting Requirement.
(5) "Private money" means personal monies used to pay normal expenses for which anelected official or surrogate is personally liable for state and federal taxes.
(6) "Public money" means monies controlled by an elected official or surrogate in theirpublic capacity that are accounted for by a governmental entity.
(7) "Surrogate" means any committee, party, organization, or other person or group whoholds or maintains a fund for the benefit of an elected official.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session