53-1-106. Department duties -- Powers. (1) In addition to the responsibilities contained in this title, the department shall:
(a) make rules and perform the functions specified in Title 41, Chapter 6a, Traffic Code,including:
(i) setting performance standards for towing companies to be used by the department, asrequired by Section
41-6a-1406; and
(ii) advising the Department of Transportation regarding the safe design and operation ofschool buses, as required by Section
(b) make rules to establish and clarify standards pertaining to the curriculum andteaching methods of a motor vehicle accident prevention course under Section
(c) aid in enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking;
(d) meet with the Department of Technology Services to formulate contracts, establishpriorities, and develop funding mechanisms for dispatch and telecommunications operations;
(e) provide assistance to the Crime Victim Reparations Board and Office of CrimeVictim Reparations in conducting research or monitoring victims' programs, as required bySection
(f) develop sexual assault exam protocol standards in conjunction with the Utah HospitalAssociation;
(g) engage in emergency planning activities, including preparation of policy andprocedure and rulemaking necessary for implementation of the federal Emergency Planning andCommunity Right to Know Act of 1986, as required by Section
(h) implement the provisions of Section
53-2-202, the Emergency ManagementAssistance Compact; and
(i) (i) maintain a database of the information listed below regarding each driver license orstate identification card status check made by a law enforcement officer:
(A) the agency employing the law enforcement officer;
(B) the name of the law enforcement officer or the identifying number the agency hasassigned to the law enforcement officer;
(C) the race and gender of the law enforcement officer;
(D) the purpose of the law enforcement officer's status check, including but not limited toa traffic stop or a pedestrian stop; and
(E) the race of the individual regarding whom the status check is made, based on theinformation provided through the application process under Section
53-3-205 or
(ii) provide access to the database created in Subsection (1)(i)(i) to the Commission onCriminal and Juvenile Justice for the purpose of:
(A) evaluating the data;
(B) evaluating the effectiveness of the data collection process; and
(C) reporting and making recommendations to the Legislature; and
(iii) classify any personal identifying information of any individual, including lawenforcement officers, in the database as protected records under Subsection
(2) (a) The department may establish a schedule of fees as required or allowed in thistitle for services provided by the department.
(b) The fees shall be established in accordance with Section
(3) The department may establish or contract for the establishment of an OrganProcurement Donor Registry in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session