53-1-110. Compilation of highway, traffic, and driver licensing laws -- Printing anddistribution -- Fees. (1) (a) The commissioner shall compile an edition of the general highway, traffic, anddriver licensing laws of the state as soon as practicable after each regular session of theLegislature.
(b) The edition shall include laws enacted or amended by the most recent session of theLegislature.
(2) (a) The Division of Finance shall print a sufficient quantity of the compiled highway,traffic, and driver licensing laws to distribute copies to all state, county, and local enforcementagencies, courts, legislators, and other agencies as necessary.
(b) A fee may be assessed for each copy of the compilation issued by the Division ofFinance. The fee shall be established by the Division of Finance in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session