53-2-502. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Committee" means the statewide mutual aid committee established in Section
(2) "Director" means the director of the division, appointed under Section
(3) "Division" means the Division of Homeland Security, created under Section
(4) "Emergency responder":
(a) means a person in the public or private sector:
(i) who has special skills, qualification, training, knowledge, or experience, whether ornot possessing a license, certificate, permit, or other official recognition for the skills,qualification, training, knowledge, or experience, that would benefit a participating politicalsubdivision in responding to a locally declared emergency or in an authorized drill or exercise;and
(ii) that a participating political subdivision requests or authorizes to assist in respondingto a locally declared emergency or in an authorized drill or exercise; and
(b) includes:
(i) a law enforcement officer;
(ii) a firefighter;
(iii) an emergency medical services worker;
(iv) a physician, nurse, or other public health worker;
(v) an emergency management official;
(vi) a public works worker;
(vii) a building inspector;
(viii) an architect, engineer, or other design professional; or
(ix) a person with specialized equipment operations skills or training or with any otherskills needed to provide aid in a declared emergency.
(5) "Participating political subdivision" means each county, municipality, public safetydistrict, and public safety interlocal entity that has not adopted a resolution under Section
53-2-506 withdrawing itself from the statewide mutual aid system.
(6) "Public safety interlocal entity" means an interlocal entity under Title 11, Chapter 13,Interlocal Cooperation Act, that provides public safety service.
(7) "Public safety service" means a service provided to the public to protect life andproperty and includes fire protection, police protection, emergency medical service, andhazardous material response service.
(8) "Public safety district" means a local district under Title 17B, Limited Purpose LocalGovernment Entities - Local Districts, or special service district under Title 17D, Chapter 1,Special Service District Act, that provides public safety service.
(9) "Requesting political subdivision" means a participating political subdivision thatrequests emergency assistance under Section
53-2-507 from one or more other participatingpolitical subdivisions.
(10) "Responding political subdivision" means a participating political subdivision thatresponds to a request under Section
53-2-507 from a requesting political subdivision.
(11) "Statewide mutual aid system" or "system" means the aggregate of all participatingpolitical subdivisions.
Amended by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session