53-2-507. Requests for disaster assistance or assistance with an authorized drill orexercise. (1) A participating political subdivision may request another participating politicalsubdivision to assist:
(a) in preventing, mitigating, responding to, or recovering from a disaster, if therequesting political subdivision has declared a state of emergency; or
(b) with a drill or exercise that the requesting political subdivision has authorized.
(2) Each request under Subsection (1) shall be:
(a) made by the chief executive officer of the participating political subdivision, or theofficer's designee; and
(b) reported as soon as practical to the director.
(3) (a) A request under Subsection (1) may be communicated orally or in writing.
(b) Each request communicated orally shall be reduced to writing and delivered to theother participating political subdivision:
(i) as soon as practical; or
(ii) in the number of days specified by the director.
(4) In responding to a request under Subsection (1), a responding political subdivisionmay:
(a) donate assets of any kind to a requesting political subdivision; and
(b) withhold its resources to the extent necessary to provide reasonable protection andservices for its own residents.
(5) The emergency response personnel, equipment, and other assets of a respondingpolitical subdivision shall be under the operational control of the incident management system ofthe requesting political subdivision, except to the extent that the exercise of operational controlwould result in a violation of a policy, standard, procedure, or protocol of the respondingpolitical subdivision.
Enacted by Chapter 331, 2007 General Session