53-3-104. Division duties. The division shall:
(1) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, makerules:
(a) for examining applicants for a license, as necessary for the safety and welfare of thetraveling public;
(b) for acceptable documentation of an applicant's identity, Social Security number, Utahresident status, Utah residence address, proof of legal presence, proof of citizenship in the UnitedStates, and other proof or documentation required under this chapter;
(c) regarding the restrictions to be imposed on a person driving a motor vehicle with atemporary learner permit or learner permit;
(d) for exemptions from licensing requirements as authorized in this chapter; and
(e) establishing procedures for the storage and maintenance of applicant informationprovided in accordance with Section
53-3-410, or
(2) examine each applicant according to the class of license applied for;
(3) license motor vehicle drivers;
(4) file every application for a license received by it and shall maintain indicescontaining:
(a) all applications denied and the reason each was denied;
(b) all applications granted; and
(c) the name of every licensee whose license has been suspended, disqualified, orrevoked by the division and the reasons for the action;
(5) suspend, revoke, disqualify, cancel, or deny any license issued in accordance with thischapter;
(6) file all accident reports and abstracts of court records of convictions received by itunder state law;
(7) maintain a record of each licensee showing the licensee's convictions and the trafficaccidents in which the licensee has been involved where a conviction has resulted;
(8) consider the record of a licensee upon an application for renewal of a license and atother appropriate times;
(9) search the license files, compile, and furnish a report on the driving record of anyperson licensed in the state in accordance with Section
(10) develop and implement a record system as required by Section
(11) in accordance with Section
53A-13-208, establish:
(a) procedures and standards to certify teachers of driver education classes to administerknowledge and skills tests;
(b) minimal standards for the tests; and
(c) procedures to enable school districts to administer or process any tests for students toreceive a class D operator's license;
(12) in accordance with Section
53-3-510, establish:
(a) procedures and standards to certify licensed instructors of commercial driver trainingschool courses to administer the skills test;
(b) minimal standards for the test; and
(c) procedures to enable licensed commercial driver training schools to administer orprocess skills tests for students to receive a class D operator's license;
(13) provide administrative support to the Driver License Medical Advisory Boardcreated in Section
53-3-303; and
(14) upon request by the lieutenant governor, provide the lieutenant governor with adigital copy of the driver license or identification card signature of a person who is an applicantfor voter registration under Section
Amended by Chapter 89, 2009 General Session
Amended by Chapter 315, 2009 General Session