53-3-214. Renewal -- Fees required -- Extension without examination. (1) (a) The holder of a valid license may renew the holder's license and any endorsementto the license by applying:
(i) at any time within six months before the license expires; or
(ii) more than six months prior to the expiration date if the applicant furnishes proof thatthe applicant will be absent from the state during the six-month period prior to the expiration ofthe license.
(b) The application for a renewal of, extension of, or any endorsement to a license shallbe accompanied by a fee under Section
(2) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (2)(b) and (3), upon application for renewalof a regular license certificate, provisional license, and any endorsement to a regular licensecertificate, the division shall reexamine each applicant as if for an original license andendorsement to the license, if applicable.
(b) Except as provided under Subsection (2)(c), upon application for renewal of alimited-term license certificate, limited-term provisional license certificate, and any endorsementto a limited-term license certificate, the division shall:
(i) reexamine each applicant as if for an original limited-term license certificate andendorsement to the limited-term license certificate, if applicable; and
(ii) verify through valid documentary evidence that the status by which the individualoriginally qualified for the limited-term license certificate has been extended by the United StatesCitizenship and Immigration Services or other authorized agency of the United StatesDepartment of Homeland Security.
(c) The division may waive any or all portions of the test designed to demonstrate theapplicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control driving a motor vehicle.
(3) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (3)(b) and (c), the division may extend aregular license certificate, any endorsement to the regular license certificate, a provisionallicense, and any endorsement to a provisional license for five years without examination forlicensees whose driving records for the five years immediately preceding the determination ofeligibility for extension show:
(i) no suspensions;
(ii) no revocations;
(iii) no conviction for reckless driving under Section
41-6a-528; and
(iv) no more than four reportable violations in the preceding five years.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(g), after the expiration of a regular licensecertificate, a new regular license certificate and any endorsement to a regular license certificatemay not be issued until the person has again passed the tests under Section
53-3-206 and paid therequired fee.
(c) After the expiration of a limited-term license certificate, a new limited-term licensecertificate and any endorsement to a limited-term license certificate may not be issued until theperson has:
(i) again passed the tests under Section
53-3-206 and paid the required fee; and
(ii) presented documentary evidence that the status by which the individual originallyqualified for the limited-term license certificate has been extended by the United StatesCitizenship and Immigration Services or other authorized agency of the United StatesDepartment of Homeland Security.
(d) A person 65 years of age or older shall take and pass the eye examination specified inSection
(e) An extension may not be granted to any person:
(i) who is identified by the division as having a medical impairment that may represent ahazard to public safety;
(ii) holding a CDL or limited-term CDL issued under Part 4, Uniform CommercialDriver License Act;
(iii) who is holding a limited-term license certificate; or
(iv) who is holding a driving privilege card issued in accordance with Section
(f) The division shall allow extensions:
(i) by mail at the appropriate extension fee rate under Section
(ii) only if the applicant qualifies under this section; and
(iii) for only one extension.
(g) The division may waive any or all portions of the test designed to demonstrate theapplicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control driving a motor vehicle.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2009 General Session