53-3-219 (Superseded 07/01/11). Suspension of minor's driving privileges. (1) The division shall immediately suspend all driving privileges of any person uponreceipt of an order suspending driving privileges under Section
32A-12-209, Section
32A-12-209.5, Subsection
76-9-701(1), or Section
(2) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii), upon receipt of the first ordersuspending a person's driving privileges under Section
32A-12-209 or
32A-12-209.5, Subsection
76-9-701(1), or Section
78A-6-606 for a violation that was committed on or after July 1, 2009,the division shall:
(A) impose a suspension for a period of one year;
(B) if the person has not been issued an operator license, deny the person's applicationfor a license or learner's permit for a period of one year; or
(C) if the person is under the age of eligibility for a driver license, deny the person'sapplication for a license or learner's permit beginning on the date of conviction and continuingfor one year beginning on the date of eligibility for a driver license.
(ii) Upon receipt of the first order suspending a person's driving privileges under thissection, the division shall reduce the suspension period under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A), (B), or (C)if ordered by the court in accordance with Subsection
76-9-701(4)(b), or
(b) Upon receipt of a second or subsequent order suspending a person's driving privilegesunder Section
32A-12-209 or
32A-12-209.5, Subsection
76-9-701(1), or Section
78A-6-606 for aviolation that was committed on or after July 1, 2009, the division shall:
(i) impose a suspension for a period of two years; or
(ii) if the person has not been issued an operator license or is under the age of eligibilityfor a driver license, deny the person's application for a license or learner's permit for a period oftwo years.
(c) The Driver License Division shall impose a suspension for the suspension period ineffect prior to July 1, 2009, if the order suspending driving privileges under Section
32A-12-209.5, Subsection
76-9-701(1), or Section
78A-6-606 is for a violation committedprior to July 1, 2009.
(3) The Driver License Division shall subtract from any suspension or revocation periodfor a conviction of a violation of Section
32A-12-209 the number of days for which a license waspreviously suspended under Section
53-3-231, if the previous sanction was based on the sameoccurrence upon which the record of conviction is based.
(4) After reinstatement of the license under Subsection (1)(a), a report authorized underSection
53-3-104 may not contain evidence of the suspension of a minor's license under thissection if the minor has not been convicted of any other offense for which the suspension underSubsection (1)(a) may be extended.
Amended by Chapter 390, 2009 General Session