53-3-303.5. Driver License Medical Advisory Board -- Medical waivers. (1) The Driver License Medical Advisory Board shall:
(a) advise the director of the division; and
(b) establish and recommend in a manner specified by the board functional ability profileguidelines and standards for determining the physical, mental, and emotional capabilities ofapplicants for specific types of licenses, appropriate to various driving abilities.
(2) (a) The Driver License Medical Advisory Board shall establish fitness standards,including provisions for a waiver of specified federal driver's physical qualifications under 49CFR 391.41, for intrastate commercial driving privileges.
(b) The standards under this Subsection (2) may only be implemented if the UnitedStates Department of Transportation (USDOT) will not impose any sanctions, including fundingsanctions, against the state.
(3) In case of uncertainty of interpretation of these guidelines and standards, or in specialcircumstances, applicants may request a review of any division decision by a panel of boardmembers. All of the actions of the director and board are subject to judicial review.
(4) (a) If a person applies for a waiver established under Subsection (2), the applicantshall bear any costs directly associated with the cost of administration of the waiver program,with respect to the applicant's application, in addition to any fees required under Section
(b) The division shall establish any additional fee necessary to administer the licenseunder this Subsection (4) in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session