53-3-413. Issuance of CDL by division -- Driving record -- Expiration date --Renewal -- Hazardous materials provision. (1) Before the division may grant a CDL, the division shall obtain the driving recordinformation regarding the applicant through the CDLIS, the NDR, and from each state where theapplicant has been licensed.
(2) The division shall notify the CDLIS and provide all information required to ensureidentification of the CDL holder within 10 days after:
(a) issuing a CDL following application for an original, renewal, transfer, or upgrade ofthe CDL; or
(b) any change is made to the identifying information of a CDL holder.
(3) (a) The expiration date for a CDL is the birth date of the holder in the fifth yearfollowing the year of issuance of the CDL.
(b) A limited-term CDL expires on:
(i) the expiration date of the period of time of the individual's authorized stay in theUnited States or on the date provided in Subsection (3)(a), whichever is sooner; or
(ii) on the birth date of the applicant in the first year following the year that thelimited-term CDL was issued if there is no definite end to the individual's period of authorizedstay.
(c) A CDL held by a person ordered to active duty and stationed outside Utah in any ofthe armed forces of the United States, which expires during the time period the person isstationed outside of the state, is valid until 90 days after the person has been discharged or hasleft the service, unless:
(i) the license is suspended, disqualified, denied, or has been cancelled or revoked by thedivision; or
(ii) the licensee updates the information or photograph on the license certificate.
(4) (a) The applicant for a renewal of a CDL shall complete the application form requiredby Section
53-3-410 and provide updated information and required certification.
(b) In addition to the requirements under Subsection (4)(a), the applicant for a renewal ofa limited-term CDL shall present documentary evidence that the status by which the individualoriginally qualified for the limited-term CDL has been extended by the United States Citizenshipand Immigration Services or other authorized agency of the United States Department ofHomeland Security.
(5) The division shall distinguish a limited-term CDL by clearly indicating on thedocument:
(a) that it is temporary; and
(b) its expiration date.
(6) (a) The division may not issue a hazardous materials endorsement on a CDL unlessthe applicant meets the security threat assessment standards of the federal TransportationSecurity Administration.
(b) The division shall revoke the hazardous materials endorsement on a CDL uponreceiving notice from the federal Transportation Security Administration that the person holdinga hazardous materials endorsement does not meet Transportation Security Administrationsecurity threat assessment standards.
(c) To obtain an original hazardous materials endorsement or retain a hazardousmaterials endorsement upon CDL renewal or transfer, the applicant must take and pass the
knowledge test for hazardous materials endorsement in addition to any other testing required bythe division.
(7) Unless otherwise provided, the provisions, requirements, classes, endorsements, fees,restrictions, and sanctions under this code apply to a limited-term CDL in the same way as aCDL issued under this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2009 General Session