53-3-803. Application for identification card -- Age requirements -- Application onbehalf of others. (1) A person at least 16 years of age or older may apply to the division for anidentification card.
(2) A person younger than 16 years of age may apply to the division for an identificationcard with the consent of the applicant's parent or guardian.
(3) (a) If a person is unable to apply for the card due to his youth or incapacitation, theapplication may be made on behalf of that person by his parent or guardian.
(b) A parent or guardian applying for an identification card on behalf of a child orincapacitated person shall provide:
(i) identification, as required by the commissioner; and
(ii) the consent of the incapacitated person, as required by the commissioner.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session