53-3-903. Motorcycle Rider Education Program. (1) (a) The division shall develop standards for and administer the Motorcycle RiderEducation Program.
(b) The division shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, to implement this chapter.
(2) The program shall include:
(a) a novice rider training course;
(b) a rider training course for experienced riders; and
(c) an instructor training course.
(3) The division may expand the program to include:
(a) enhancing public awareness of motorcycle riders;
(b) increasing the awareness of motorcycle riders of the effects of alcohol and drugs;
(c) motorcycle rider skills improvement;
(d) program and other motorcycle safety promotion; and
(e) improvement of motorcycle licensing efforts.
(4) (a) Subject to the restriction in Subsection (4)(b), rider training courses shall be opento all residents of the state who:
(i) are at least 15 years 6 months of age; and
(ii) either hold a valid learner permit or driver license for any classification or are eligiblefor a motorcycle learner permit.
(b) A person who has been issued a learner permit may enroll in and complete a ridertraining course if the course is conducted on a closed course that:
(i) is not conducted on a public highway;
(ii) is approved by the division; and
(iii) meets or exceeds established national standards for motorcycle rider training coursesprescribed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
(c) An adequate number of novice rider training courses shall be provided to meet thereasonably anticipated needs of all persons in the state who are eligible and who desire toparticipate in the program.
(d) Program delivery may be phased in over a reasonable period of time.
(5) (a) The division may enter into contracts with either public or private institutions toprovide a rider training course approved by the division.
(b) The institution shall issue certificates of completion in the manner and formprescribed by the director to persons who satisfactorily complete the requirements of the course.
(c) An institution conducting a rider training course may charge a reasonable tuition feeto cover the cost of offering the course.
(d) (i) The division may use program funds to defray its own expenses in administeringthe program.
(ii) The division may reimburse entities that offer approved courses for actual expensesincurred in offering the courses, up to a limit established by the division based upon availableprogram funds.
(iii) Any reimbursement paid to an entity must be entirely reflected by the entity inreduced course enrollment fees for students.
(6) (a) Standards for the motorcycle rider training courses, including standards for coursecurriculum, materials, and student evaluation, and standards for the training and approval of
instructors shall meet or exceed established national standards for motorcycle rider trainingcourses prescribed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
(b) Motorcycle rider training courses shall be taught only by instructors approved underSection 53-3-904.
(c) Motorcycle rider training courses for novices shall include at least eight hours ofpractice riding.
(7) The commissioner shall appoint a full-time program coordinator to oversee and directthe program.
Amended by Chapter 252, 2009 General Session