53-5-705. Temporary permit to carry concealed firearm -- Denial, suspension, orrevocation -- Appeal. (1) The bureau or its designated agent may issue a temporary permit to carry a concealedfirearm to a person who:
(a) has applied for a permit under Section
(b) has applied for a temporary permit under this section; and
(c) meets the criteria required in Subsections (2) and (3).
(2) To receive a temporary permit under this section, the applicant shall demonstrate inwriting to the satisfaction of the bureau extenuating circumstances that would justify issuing atemporary permit.
(3) A temporary permit may not be issued under this section until preliminary recordchecks regarding the applicant have been made with the National Crime Information Center andthe bureau to determine any criminal history.
(4) (a) A temporary permit is valid only for a maximum of 90 days or any lesser periodspecified by the bureau, or until a permit under Section
53-5-704 is issued to the holder of thetemporary permit, whichever period is shorter.
(b) The provisions of Subsections
76-10-504(1) and (2) and Section
76-10-505 do notapply to a person issued a temporary permit under this section during the time period for whichthe temporary permit is valid.
(5) The bureau may deny, suspend, or revoke a temporary permit prior to expiration ifthe commissioner determines:
(a) the circumstances justifying the temporary permit no longer exist; or
(b) the holder of the temporary permit does not meet the requirements for a permit underSection
(6) (a) The denial, suspension, or revocation of a temporary permit shall be in writingand shall include the reasons for the action.
(b) The bureau's decision to deny, suspend, or revoke a temporary permit may not beappealed to the board.
(c) Denial, suspension, or revocation under this subsection is final action for purposes ofjudicial review under Section
Amended by Chapter 62, 2010 General Session