53-6-105. Duties of director -- Powers -- Rulemaking. (1) The director, with the advice of the council, shall:
(a) prescribe standards for the certification of a peace officer training academy, certify anacademy that meets the prescribed standards, and prescribe standards for revocation ofcertification for cause;
(b) prescribe minimum qualifications for certification of peace officers appointed orelected to enforce the laws of this state and its subdivisions and prescribe standards forrevocation of certification for cause;
(c) establish minimum requirements for the certification of training instructors andestablish standards for revocation of certification;
(d) provide for the issuance of appropriate certificates to those peace officers completingthe basic training programs offered by a certified academy or those persons who pass acertification examination as provided for in this chapter;
(e) consult and cooperate with certified academy administrators and instructors for thecontinued development and improvement of the basic training programs provided by the certifiedacademy and for the further development and implementation of advanced in-service trainingprograms;
(f) consult and cooperate with state institutions of higher education to developspecialized courses of study for peace officers in the areas of criminal justice, policeadministration, criminology, social sciences, and other related disciplines;
(g) consult and cooperate with other departments, agencies, and local governmentsconcerned with peace officer training;
(h) perform any other acts necessary to develop peace officer training programs withinthe state;
(i) report to the council at regular meetings of the council and when the council requires;
(j) recommend peace officer standards and training requirements to the commissioner,governor, and the Legislature; and
(k) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedirector shall, with the advice of the council, make rules necessary to administer this chapter.
(2) With the permission of the commissioner, the director may execute contracts onbehalf of the division with criminal justice agencies to provide training for employees of thoseagencies if:
(a) the employees or the employing agency pay a registration fee equivalent to the cost ofthe training; and
(b) the contract does not reduce the effectiveness of the division in its primaryresponsibility of providing training for peace officers of the state.
(3) The director may:
(a) revoke certification of a certified academy for cause; and
(b) make training aids and materials available to local law enforcement agencies.
(4) The director shall, with the advice of the council, make rules:
(a) establishing minimum requirements for the certification of dispatcher traininginstructors in a certified academy or interagency program and standards for revocation of thiscertification;
(b) establishing approved curriculum and a basic schedule for the basic dispatchertraining course and the content of the dispatcher certification examination;
(c) providing for the issuance of appropriate certificates to a person who completes thebasic dispatcher course or who passes a dispatcher certification examination as provided for inthis chapter;
(d) establishing approved courses for certified dispatchers' annual training; and
(e) establishing a reinstatement procedure for a certified dispatcher who has not obtainedthe required annual training hours.
Amended by Chapter 313, 2010 General Session