53-6-206. Waiver of training course requirement -- Certification exam. (1) The director may waive the required basic peace officer training and certify eachapplicant who passes a written examination, an oral examination, or both a written and oralexamination that affirms the applicant's ability in law enforcement.
(2) A waiver applicant shall:
(a) furnish evidence of satisfactory completion of a peace officer training program that, inthe director's judgment, is equivalent to the program required for certification in this state; and
(b) furnish evidence that the requirements of Section
53-6-203, relating to qualificationsfor admission to the Utah training programs have been met.
(3) A waiver applicant may not exercise peace officer powers until all waiver processrequirements have been met.
(4) An applicant who fails the certification examination must complete the basic trainingcourse required by this part and be certified in order to become a peace officer authorized toexercise peace officer powers.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session