(a) adopt a new state fire code in its entirety; or
(b) amend or repeal one or more provisions of the state fire code.
(5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the board may, in accordance with Title 63G,Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, amend a state fire code if the board determinesthat waiting for legislative action in the next general legislative session would:
(i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
(ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
(b) If the board amends a state fire code in accordance with this Subsection (5), the boardshall:
(i) publish the state fire code with the amendment; and
(ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the adoption, including a copyof an analysis by the board identifying specific reasons and justifications for its findings.
(c) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at its next annual general session, anamendment to a state fire code adopted under this Subsection (5) is repealed on the July 1immediately following the next annual general session that follows the adoption of theamendment.
(6) (a) A legislative body of a political subdivision may enact an ordinance that is morerestrictive in its fire code requirements than the state fire code:
(i) in order to meet a public safety need of the political subdivision; and
(ii) subject to the requirements of this Subsection (6).
(b) A legislative body of a political subdivision that enacts an ordinance under thissection on or after July 1, 2010 shall:
(i) notify the board in writing at least 30 days before the day on which the legislativebody enacts the ordinance and include in the notice a statement as to the proposed subject matterof the ordinance; and
(ii) after the legislative body enacts the ordinance, report to the board prior to the boardmaking the report required under Subsection (6)(c), including providing the board:
(A) a copy of the ordinance enacted under this Subsection (6); and
(B) a description of the public safety need that is the basis of enacting the ordinance.
(c) The board shall submit to the Business and Labor Interim Committee each year withthe recommendations submitted in accordance with Subsection (3):
(i) a list of the ordinances enacted under this Subsection (6) during the fiscal yearimmediately proceeding the report; and
(ii) recommendations, if any, for legislative action related to an ordinance enacted underthis Subsection (6).
(d) (i) The state fire marshal shall keep an indexed copy of an ordinance enacted underthis Subsection (6).
(ii) The state fire marshal shall make a copy of an ordinance enacted under thisSubsection (6) available on request.
(e) The board may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, to establish procedures for a legislative body of a politicalsubdivision to follow to provide the notice and report required under this Subsection (6).
Amended by Chapter 310, 2010 General Session