53-7-109. Firefighter Support Restricted Account. (1) There is created in the General Fund the Firefighter Support Restricted Account.
(2) The account shall be funded by:
(a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section
41-1a-422; and
(b) donations or grants from public or private entities.
(3) The Legislature shall appropriate funds in the account to the division.
(4) The division shall distribute funds in the account to one or more charitableorganizations that:
(a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(b) provide firefighter education and training programs;
(c) initiate and maintain active participation in all aspects of fire service;
(d) maintain a fire history museum; and
(e) represent over 2,000 active, inactive, retired, volunteer, or career firefightersthroughout the state.
(5) (a) An organization described in Subsection (4) may apply to the division to receive adistribution in accordance with Subsection (4).
(b) An organization that receives a distribution from the division in accordance withSubsection (4) shall expend the distribution only to:
(i) pay for firefighter education or training programs;
(ii) pay for firefighter scholarship programs;
(iii) pay the costs of maintaining a fire history museum;
(iv) pay the costs of representing firefighter interests on a national and local level; and
(v) pay for assistance with purchasing equipment or apparatuses used in firefighting.
(c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedivision may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the division toreceive a distribution under Subsection (4).
Enacted by Chapter 348, 2009 General Session