53-7-307. Duties of the division. The division shall:
(1) prescribe the method and form to apply for a LPG license, with the approval of theboard;
(2) investigate the experience, reputation, and background of applicants;
(3) recommend to the board issuing, suspending, revoking, and denying licenses;
(4) assist the board in conducting hearings in connection with the applications for, orrevocation of, licenses;
(5) submit to the governor a biennial report before September 1 of each even-numberedyear, covering the board's transactions during the biennium ending June 30 of that year, includinga complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of the board during that period;
(6) keep accurate records and minutes of all meetings, which shall be open to publicinspection at all reasonable times, and keep a public record of all applications for licenses andlicenses issued by the board;
(7) conduct examinations of every license applicant to determine the responsibility,ability, knowledge, experience, or other qualifications of the applicant for a license;
(8) require competency testing for all employees and subcontractors of licensees engagedin transporting or dispensing LPG or installing, servicing, or repairing an LPG fueling orcarburetion system under this part;
(9) prepare applications, collect fees, and issue licenses for any facility that handles LPG;
(10) provide for or direct the inspection of the site of any facility that stores, dispenses,services, or handles LPG;
(11) provide inspections to any facility where a qualified authority does not exist; and
(12) prepare and administer examinations, collect fees, and issue LPG certificates topersonnel who handle or work with LPG.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session