53-7-404. Certification and product change -- Restricted account created. (1) Each manufacturer shall submit to the state fire marshal a written certificationattesting that:
(a) each cigarette listed in the certification has been tested in accordance with Section
53-7-403; and
(b) each cigarette listed in the certification meets the performance standard set forth inSubsection
(2) Each cigarette listed in the certification shall be described with the followinginformation:
(a) brand, or trade name on the package;
(b) style, such as light or ultra light;
(c) length in millimeters;
(d) circumference in millimeters;
(e) flavor, such as menthol or chocolate, if applicable;
(f) filter or nonfilter;
(g) package description, such as soft pack or box;
(h) marking approved in accordance with Section
(i) the name, address, and telephone number of the laboratory, if different than themanufacturer that conducted the test; and
(j) the date that the testing occurred.
(3) The certifications shall be made available to the attorney general for purposesconsistent with this part and the State Tax Commission for the purposes of ensuring compliancewith this section.
(4) Each cigarette certified under this section shall be recertified every three years.
(5) For each cigarette listed in a certification, a manufacturer shall pay to the state firemarshal a $250 fee. The state fire marshal is authorized to annually adjust this fee to ensure itdefrays the actual costs of the processing, testing, enforcement, and oversight activities requiredby this part.
(6) (a) Beginning July 1, 2008, there is created a restricted account within the GeneralFund called the "Reduced Cigarette Ignition Propensity and Firefighter Protection ActEnforcement Account."
(b) The account created in Subsection (6)(a) shall consist of all certification feessubmitted by manufacturers.
(c) (i) The state treasurer shall invest money in the account according to Title 51, Chapter7, State Money Management Act.
(ii) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived frominvestment of account money into the General Fund.
(d) Upon appropriations from the Legislature, money from the account created inSubsection (6)(a) shall be used by the state fire marshal solely to support processing, testing,enforcement, and oversight activities under this part.
(7) (a) If a manufacturer has certified a cigarette pursuant to this section, and thereaftermakes any change to the certified cigarette that is likely to alter its compliance with the reducedcigarette ignition propensity standards required by this part, that cigarette shall not be sold oroffered for sale in this state until the manufacturer:
(i) retests the cigarette in accordance with the testing standards set forth in Section
53-7-403; and
(ii) maintains records of that retesting as required by Section 53-7-403.
(b) Any altered cigarette which does not meet the performance standard set forth inSection 53-7-403 may not be sold in this state.
Amended by Chapter 216, 2008 General Session