53-8-210. Enforcement of inspection requirements. (1) A person operating a vehicle shall submit the vehicle to a safety inspection whenrequired to do so by a peace officer.
(2) (a) An owner or driver, upon receiving a notice as provided in Section
53-8-209, shallwithin five days secure a safety inspection certificate, which shall be issued in duplicate, onecopy to be retained by the owner or driver and the other copy to be forwarded to the division.
(b) In lieu of compliance with this subsection, the vehicle may not be operated, except asprovided in Subsection (3).
(3) (a) A person may not operate any vehicle after receiving a notice from a peaceofficer that the vehicle is in need of repair or adjustment, except that a peace officer may allowthe vehicle to be driven to the residence or place of business of the owner or driver or to thenearest garage where repairs are available if driving the vehicle is not excessively dangerous.
(b) The vehicle may not be operated again on the highways until its equipment has beenplaced in proper repair and adjustment and otherwise conforms to the requirements of this partand Title 41, Chapter 6, Traffic Rules and Regulations, and a safety inspection certificate isobtained as promptly as possible.
(4) If repair or adjustment of any vehicle or its equipment is necessary, the owner of thevehicle may obtain repair or adjustment at any place he may choose.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 26, 1993 General Session
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 234, 1993 General Session