53-10-202. Criminal identification -- Duties of bureau. The bureau shall:
(1) procure and file information relating to identification and activities of persons who:
(a) are fugitives from justice;
(b) are wanted or missing;
(c) have been arrested for or convicted of a crime under the laws of any state or nation;and
(d) are believed to be involved in racketeering, organized crime, or a dangerous offense;
(2) establish a statewide uniform crime reporting system that shall include:
(a) statistics concerning general categories of criminal activities;
(b) statistics concerning crimes that exhibit evidence of prejudice based on race, religion,ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, or other categories that the division finds appropriate; and
(c) other statistics as required by the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(3) make a complete and systematic record and index of the information obtained underthis part;
(4) subject to the restrictions in this part, establish policy concerning the use anddissemination of data obtained under this part;
(5) publish an annual report concerning the extent, fluctuation, distribution, and nature ofcrime in Utah;
(6) establish a statewide central register for the identification and location of missingpersons, which may include:
(a) identifying data including fingerprints of each missing person;
(b) identifying data of any missing person who is reported as missing to a lawenforcement agency having jurisdiction;
(c) dates and circumstances of any persons requesting or receiving information from theregister; and
(d) any other information, including blood types and photographs found necessary infurthering the purposes of this part;
(7) publish a quarterly directory of missing persons for distribution to persons or entitieslikely to be instrumental in the identification and location of missing persons;
(8) list the name of every missing person with the appropriate nationally maintainedmissing persons lists;
(9) establish and operate a 24-hour communication network for reports of missingpersons and reports of sightings of missing persons;
(10) coordinate with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and otheragencies to facilitate the identification and location of missing persons and the identification ofunidentified persons and bodies;
(11) receive information regarding missing persons, as provided in Sections
26-2-27 and
53A-11-502, and stolen vehicles, vessels, and outboard motors, as provided in Section
(12) adopt systems of identification, including the fingerprint system, to be used by thedivision to facilitate law enforcement;
(13) assign a distinguishing number or mark of identification to any pistol or revolver, asprovided in Section
76-10-520; and
(14) check certain criminal records databases for information regarding motor vehicle
salesperson applicants, maintain a separate file of fingerprints for motor vehicle salespersons,and inform the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division when new entries are made for certaincriminal offenses for motor vehicle salespersons in accordance with the requirements of Section41-3-205.5.
Amended by Chapter 291, 2010 General Session