53-10-207. Peace officers, prosecutors, and magistrates to supply information tostate and F.B.I. -- Notification of arrest based on warrant. (1) Every peace officer shall:
(a) cause fingerprints of persons he has arrested to be taken on forms provided by thedivision and the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(b) supply information requested on the forms; and
(c) forward without delay both copies to the division, which shall forward the F.B.I. copyto the Identification Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(2) If, after fingerprints have been taken in accordance with Subsection (1), the prosecutordeclines to prosecute, or investigative action as described in Section
77-2-3 is terminated, theprosecutor or law enforcement agency shall notify the division of this action within 14 workingdays.
(3) At the preliminary hearing or arraignment of a felony case, the prosecutor shall ensurethat each felony defendant has been fingerprinted and an arrest and fingerprint form is transmittedto the division. In felony cases where fingerprints have not been taken, the judge shall order thechief law enforcement officer of the jurisdiction or the sheriff of the county to:
(a) cause fingerprints of each felony defendant to be taken on forms provided by thedivision;
(b) supply information requested on the forms; and
(c) forward without delay both copies to the division.
(4) If an arrest is based upon information about the existence of a criminal warrant ofarrest or commitment under Rule 6, Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure, every peace officer shallwithout delay notify the division of the service of each warrant of arrest or commitment, in amanner specified by the division.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 263, 1998 General Session