53-11-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Applicant" means a person who has submitted to the department a completedapplication and all required application and processing fees.
(2) "Bail bond agency" means a bail enforcement agent licensed under this chapter whooperates a business to carry out the functions of a bail enforcement agent, and to conduct thisbusiness:
(a) employs one or more persons licensed under this chapter for wages or salary, andwithholds all legally required deductions and contributions; or
(b) contracts with a bail recovery agent or bail recovery apprentice on a part-time orcase-by-case basis.
(3) "Bail enforcement agent" means an individual licensed under this chapter as a bailenforcement agent to enforce the terms and conditions of a defendant's release on bail in a civilor criminal proceeding, to apprehend a defendant or surrender a defendant to custody, or both, asis appropriate, and who:
(a) is appointed by a bail bond surety; and
(b) receives or is promised money or other things of value for this service.
(4) "Bail recovery agent" means an individual employed by a bail enforcement agent toassist the bail enforcement agent regarding civil or criminal defendants released on bail by:
(a) presenting a defendant for required court appearances;
(b) apprehending or surrendering a defendant to a court; or
(c) keeping the defendant under necessary surveillance.
(5) "Bail recovery apprentice" means any individual licensed under this chapter as a bailrecovery apprentice, and who:
(a) has not met the requirements for licensure as a bail recovery agent or bailenforcement agent; and
(b) is employed by a bail enforcement agent, and works under the direct supervision of abail enforcement agent or bail recovery agent employed also by the bail enforcement agent,unless the bail recovery apprentice is conducting activities at the direction of the employing bailenforcement agent that under this chapter do not require direct supervision.
(6) "Board" means the Bail Bond Recovery Licensure Board created under Section
(7) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public safety as defined under Section
53-1-107, or his designee.
(8) "Contract employee" or "independent contractor" means a person who works for anagency as an independent contractor.
(9) "Conviction" means an adjudication of guilt by a federal, state, or local courtresulting from a trial or plea, including a plea of no contest or nolo contendere, regardless ofwhether the imposition of sentence was suspended.
(10) "Department" means the Department of Public Safety.
(11) "Direct supervision" means a bail enforcement agent employing or contracting witha bail recovery apprentice, or a bail recovery agent employed by or contracting with that bailenforcement agent who:
(a) takes responsibility for and assigns the work a bail recovery apprentice may conduct;and
(b) closely supervises, within close physical proximity, and provides direction andguidance to the bail recovery apprentice regarding the assigned work.
(12) "Emergency action" means a summary suspension of a license issued under thischapter pending revocation, suspension, or probation, in order to protect the public health, safety,or welfare.
(13) "Identification card" means a card issued by the commissioner to an applicantqualified for licensure under this chapter.
(14) "Letter of concern" means an advisory letter to notify a licensee that while there isinsufficient evidence to support probation, suspension, or revocation of a license, the departmentbelieves:
(a) the licensee should modify or eliminate certain practices; and
(b) continuation of the activities that led to the information being submitted to thedepartment may result in further disciplinary action against the license.
(15) "Occupied structure" means any edifice, including residential and public buildings,vehicles, or any other structure that could reasonably be expected to house or shelter persons.
(16) "Supervision" means the employing bail enforcement agent is responsible for andauthorizes the type and extent of work assigned to a bail recovery agent who is his employee orcontract employee.
(17) "Unprofessional conduct" means:
(a) engaging or offering to engage by fraud or misrepresentation in any activitiesregulated by this chapter;
(b) aiding or abetting a person who is not licensed pursuant to this chapter inrepresenting that person as a bail recovery agent in this state;
(c) gross negligence in the practice of a bail recovery agent;
(d) committing a felony or a misdemeanor involving any crime that is grounds for denial,suspension, or revocation of a bail recovery license, and conviction by a court of competentjurisdiction or a plea of no contest is conclusive evidence of the commission; or
(e) making a fraudulent or untrue statement to the board, department, its investigators, orstaff.
Enacted by Chapter 257, 1998 General Session