53-11-118. Grounds for denial of license -- Appeal. (1) The board may deny a license application or a license renewal if the applicant has:
(a) committed an act that, if committed by a licensee, would be grounds for probation,suspension, or revocation of a license under this chapter;
(b) employed as a bail recovery agent or bail recovery apprentice employee or contractemployee a person who has been refused a license under this chapter or who has had a licenserevoked in any state;
(c) committed, or aided and abetted the commission of, any act for which a license isrequired by this chapter, while not licensed under this chapter; or
(d) knowingly made a material misstatement in connection with an application for alicense or renewal of a license under this chapter.
(2) The issuance of an identification card shall be denied to an applicant if the applicantfails to meet the required licensure qualifications.
(3) (a) The denial of the issuance of a license under this chapter shall be in writing anddescribe the basis for the denial.
(b) The board's denial shall inform the applicant in writing that if the applicant desires ahearing to contest the denial, the applicant shall submit a request in writing to the commissionerwithin 30 days after the issuance of the denial.
(c) The hearing shall be scheduled not later than 60 days after receipt of the request.
(4) The commissioner shall hear the appeal, and may:
(a) return the case to the board for reconsideration;
(b) modify the board's decision; or
(c) reverse the board's decision.
(5) Decisions of the commissioner are subject to judicial review pursuant to Section
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session