53-13-107. Basic training requirements for position -- Peace officers temporarily inthe state. (1) (a) Any person who has satisfactorily completed, before the effective date of thischapter, an approved basic training program required of the person's position may act in acertified capacity without completion of an additional basic training program.
(b) Any person hired, appointed, or elected to any position designated in this chapter,except federal officer, shall satisfactorily complete the required basic training required of thatposition before the person is authorized to exercise peace officer powers under this chapter.
(2) Any peace officer employed by a law enforcement agency of another state andfunctioning in that capacity within Utah on a temporary basis is considered certified under Utahlaw:
(a) while functioning as a peace officer within the state at the request of a Utah lawenforcement agency; or
(b) when conducting business as a representative of a law enforcement agency fromanother state.
Amended by Chapter 156, 2004 General Session