53A-1-603. Duties of State Board of Education. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (5), the State Board of Education shall:
(a) require each school district and charter school to implement the Utah PerformanceAssessment System for Students, hereafter referred to as U-PASS;
(b) require the state superintendent of public instruction to submit and recommendcriterion-referenced achievement tests or online computer adaptive tests, a tenth grade basicskills competency test, an online writing assessment for grades 5 and 8, and a test for students ingrade 3 to measure reading grade level to the board for approval and adoption and distribution toeach school district and charter school by the state superintendent;
(c) develop an assessment method to uniformly measure statewide performance, schooldistrict performance, and school performance of students in grades 3 through 12 in masteringbasic skills courses; and
(d) provide for the state to participate in the National Assessment of EducationalProgress state-by-state comparison testing program.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (5) and Subsection
53A-1-611(6), under U-PASS,the state office shall annually require that each district and charter school, as applicable,administer:
(a) as determined by the State Board of Education, statewide criterion-referenced tests oronline computer adaptive tests in grades 3 through 12 and courses in basic skill areas of the corecurriculum;
(b) an online writing assessment to all students in grades 5 and 8;
(c) a tenth grade basic skills competency test as detailed in Section
53A-1-611; and
(d) a test to all students in grade 3 to measure reading grade level.
(3) The board shall adopt rules for the conduct and administration of U-PASS to includethe following:
(a) the computation of student performance based on information that is disaggregatedwith respect to race, ethnicity, gender, limited English proficiency, and those students whoqualify for free or reduced price school lunch;
(b) security features to maintain the integrity of the system, which could includestatewide uniform testing dates, multiple test forms, and test administration protocols;
(c) the exemption of student test scores, by exemption category, such as limited Englishproficiency, mobility, and students with disabilities, with the percent or number of student testscores exempted being publically reported at a district level;
(d) compiling of criterion-referenced, online computer adaptive, and online writing testscores and test score averages at the classroom level to allow for:
(i) an annual review of those scores by parents of students and professional and otherappropriate staff at the classroom level at the earliest point in time;
(ii) the assessment of year-to-year student progress in specific classes, courses, andsubjects;
(iii) a teacher to review, prior to the beginning of a new school year, test scores from theprevious school year of students who have been assigned to the teacher's class for the new schoolyear; and
(iv) allowing a school district or charter school to have its tests administered and scoredelectronically to accelerate the review of test scores and their usefulness to parents and educatorsunder Subsections (3)(d)(i), (ii), and (iii), without violating the integrity of U-PASS; and
(e) providing that:
(i) scores on the tests and assessments required under Subsection (2)(a) shall beconsidered in determining a student's academic grade for the appropriate course and whether astudent shall advance to the next grade level; and
(ii) except as provided in Subsection
53A-1-611(6), the student's score on the tenth gradebasic skills competency test shall be recorded on the student's transcript of credits.
(4) The State Board of Education shall consider administering the basic skillscompetency test on a Saturday to preserve instructional time.
(5) (a) The State Board of Education may exempt a school district or charter school fromthe testing requirements specified in Subsection (2) if:
(i) the school district or charter school pilots an assessment system that incorporates thefollowing:
(A) online classroom-based assessment that utilizes adaptive testing;
(B) online writing assessments in grades 4 through 12; or
(C) assessments administered in grades 8, 10, and 11 to determine readiness forpostsecondary education;
(ii) the State Board of Education approves the specific assessment administered underSubsection (5)(a)(i) and the assessment provider; and
(iii) the school district or charter school verifies the local fiscal capability and resourcesneeded to participate in the pilot assessment system.
(b) A school district or charter school that receives an exemption under Subsection (5)(a)is subject to an accountability plan and high school graduation standards that are:
(i) based on the school district's or charter school's assessment system, which mayinclude assessments described in Subsection (2) or Subsections (5)(a)(i) through (iii); and
(ii) developed and adopted by the State Board of Education.
(c) By the November 2014 meeting of the Education Interim Committee, the State Boardof Education shall submit recommendations to the committee on the state's assessment system.
(6) (a) A school district or charter school, as applicable, is encouraged to administer anonline writing assessment to students in grade 11.
(b) The State Board of Education may award a grant to a school district or charter schoolto pay for an online writing assessment and instruction program that may be used to assess thewriting of students in grade 11.
(7) (a) On or before the 2010 October meeting of the Education Interim Committee, theState Board of Education shall prepare and present its plan for a pilot program for the 2010-11and 2011-12 school years to:
(i) replace the tenth grade basic skills competency test with computer adaptive testing ofbasic skills; and
(ii) administer the ACT exam to secondary students.
(b) The State Board of Education shall implement the pilot program described inSubsection (7)(a) for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years.
(c) The State Board of Education shall re-direct the money saved by not administeringthe tenth grade basic skills competency test pursuant to Subsection
53A-1-611(6) to fund theimplementation of the pilot program described in Subsection (7)(b) for fiscal years 2010-11 and2011-12.
Amended by Chapter 11, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 305, 2010 General Session