53A-1-607. Scoring -- Reports of results. (1) Each local school board and charter school shall submit all answer sheets for theachievement tests administered under U-PASS on a per-school and per-class basis to the statesuperintendent of public instruction for scoring unless the test requires scoring by a nationaltesting service.
(2) The district, school, and class results of the U-PASS testing program, but not thescore or relative position of individual students, shall be reported to each local school board orcharter school governing board annually at a regularly scheduled meeting.
(3) Each local board and charter school governing board shall make copies of the reportavailable to the general public upon request.
(4) The board may charge a fee for the copying costs.
(5) The State Board of Education shall annually provide to school districts and charterschools a comprehensive report for each of their students showing the student's U-PASS testresults for each year the student took a U-PASS test. School districts and charter schools shallgive a copy of the comprehensive report to the student's parents and make the report available toschool staff, as appropriate.
Amended by Chapter 299, 2009 General Session