53A-1a-1007. Annual report. (1) The State Board of Education shall make a report on UPSTART to the EducationInterim Committee by November 30 each year.
(2) The report shall:
(a) address the extent to which UPSTART is accomplishing the purposes for which itwas established as specified in Section
53A-1a-1002; and
(b) include the following information:
(i) the number of families:
(A) volunteering to participate in the program;
(B) selected to participate in the program;
(C) requesting computers; and
(D) furnished computers;
(ii) the frequency of use of the instructional software;
(iii) obstacles encountered with software usage, hardware, or providing technicalassistance to families;
(iv) student performance on pre-kindergarten and post-kindergarten assessmentsconducted by school districts and charter schools for students who participated in the home-basededucational technology program and those who did not participate in the program; and
(v) as available, the evaluation of the program conducted pursuant to Section
Enacted by Chapter 397, 2008 General Session