53A-1a-104. Characteristics of public education system. The Legislature shall assist in maintaining a public education system that has thefollowing characteristics:
(1) assumes that all students have the ability to learn and that each student departing thesystem will be prepared to achieve success in productive employment, further education, or both;
(2) provides a personalized education plan or personalized education occupation plan foreach student, which involves the student, the student's parent or guardian, and school personnelin establishing the plan;
(3) provides students with the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for theirdecisions and to make appropriate choices;
(4) provides opportunities for students to exhibit the capacity to learn, think, reason, andwork effectively, individually and in groups;
(5) offers a world-class core curriculum that enables students to successfully compete ina global society, and to succeed as citizens of a constitutional republic;
(6) incorporates an information retrieval system that provides students, parents, andeducators with reliable, useful, and timely data on the progress of each student;
(7) attracts, prepares, inducts, and retains excellent teachers for every classroom in largepart through collaborative efforts among the State Board of Education, the State Board ofRegents, and school districts, provides effective ongoing professional development opportunitiesfor teachers to improve their teaching skills, and provides recognition, rewards, andcompensation for their excellence;
(8) empowers each school district and public school to create its own vision and plan toachieve results consistent with the objectives outlined in this chapter;
(9) uses technology to improve teaching and learning processes and for the delivery ofeducational services;
(10) promotes ongoing research and development projects at the district and the schoollevel that are directed at improving or enhancing public education;
(11) offers a public school choice program, which gives students and their parentsoptions to best meet the student's personalized education needs;
(12) emphasizes the involvement of educators, parents, business partnerships, and thecommunity at large in the educational process by allowing them to be involved in establishingand implementing educational goals and participating in decision-making at the school site; and
(13) emphasizes competency-based standards and progress-based assessments, includingtracking and measurement systems.
Amended by Chapter 315, 2003 General Session