53A-1a-107. State Board of Education assistance to districts and schools. In order to assist school districts and individual schools in acquiring and maintaining thecharacteristics set forth in Section
53A-1a-104, the State Board of Education shall:
(1) provide the framework for an education system, including core competencies andtheir assessment, in which school districts and public schools permit students to advance bydemonstrating competency in subject matter and mastery of skills;
(2) develop and disseminate a state model curriculum, structured to incorporate theconcepts of quality versus quantity, depth versus breadth, subject integration and application,applied thinking skills, character development, and a global prospective, which districts andschools may use to assist teachers in helping students acquire the competencies and skillsrequired to advance through the public education system, and periodically review and, ifappropriate, revise the curriculum;
(3) conduct a statewide public awareness program on competency-based educationalsystems;
(4) compile and publish, for the state as a whole, a set of educational performanceindicators describing trends in student performance;
(5) promote a public education climate of high expectations and academic excellence;
(6) disseminate successful site-based decision-making models to districts and schoolsand provide teacher professional development opportunities and evaluation programs forsite-based plans consistent with Subsections
53A-1a-104(7) and
53A-6-102(2)(a) and (b);
(7) provide a mechanism for widespread dissemination of information about strategicplanning for public education, including involvement of business and industry in the educationprocess, in order to ensure the understanding and support of all the individuals and groupsconcerned with the mission of public education as outlined in Section
(8) provide for a research and development clearing house at the state level to receiveand share with school districts and public schools information on effective and innovativepractices and programs in education;
(9) help school districts develop and implement guidelines, strategies, and professionaldevelopment programs for administrators and teachers consistent with Subsections
53A-1a-104(7) and
53A-6-102(2)(a) and (b) focused on improving interaction with parents andpromoting greater parental involvement in the public schools; and
(10) in concert with the State Board of Regents and the state's colleges of educationreview and revise teacher licensing requirements to be consistent with teacher preparation forparticipation in personalized education programs within the public schools.
Amended by Chapter 221, 2003 General Session