53A-1a-108. School community councils authorized -- Duties -- Composition --Election procedures and selection of members. (1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) "Parent or guardian member" means a member of a school community councilwho is a parent or guardian of a student who is attending the school or who will be enrolled at theschool at any time during the parent's or guardian's initial term of office.
(ii) "Parent or guardian member" may not include a person who meets the definition of aschool employee member unless the person's employment at the school does not exceed anaverage of six hours per week.
(b) "School employee member" means a member of a school community council who isa person employed at a school by the school or school district, including the principal.
(2) Each public school, in consultation with its local school board, shall establish aschool community council at the school building level.
(3) (a) Each school community council shall:
(i) develop a school improvement plan in accordance with Section
(ii) develop the School LAND Trust Program in accordance with Section
(iii) assist in the development and implementation of a staff professional developmentplan as provided by Section
(iv) develop a child access routing plan in accordance with Section
53A-3-402; and
(v) advise and make recommendations to school and school district administrators andthe local school board regarding the school and its programs, school district programs, and otherissues relating to the community environment for students.
(b) In addition to the duties specified in Subsection (3)(a), a school community councilfor an elementary school shall develop a reading achievement plan in accordance with Section
(4) (a) Each school community council shall consist of school employee members andparent or guardian members in accordance with this section.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c):
(i) each school community council for a high school shall have six parent or guardianmembers and five school employee members, including the principal; and
(ii) each school community council for a school other than a high school shall have fourparent or guardian members and three school employee members, including the principal.
(c) (i) A school community council may have a larger membership provided that thenumber of parent or guardian members exceeds the number of school employee members.
(ii) A school community council may have a smaller membership provided that:
(A) the number of parent or guardian members exceeds the number of school employeemembers; and
(B) there are at least two school employee members on the school community council.
(5) (a) Each school employee member, except the principal, shall be elected by secretballot by a majority vote of the school employees and serve a two-year term. The principal shallserve as an ex officio member with full voting privileges.
(b) (i) Each parent or guardian member shall be elected by secret ballot at an electionheld at the school by a majority vote of those voting at the election and serve a two-year term.
(ii) Only parents or guardians of students attending the school may vote at the electionunder Subsection (5)(b)(i).
(iii) Any parent or guardian of a student who meets the qualifications of this section mayfile or declare himself as a candidate for election to a school community council.
(c) (i) The principal of the school, or the principal's designee, shall provide notice of theavailable community council positions to school employees, parents, and guardians at least 14days before the date that voting commences for the elections held under Subsections (5)(a) and(5)(b).
(ii) The notice shall include:
(A) the dates and times of the elections;
(B) a list of council positions that are up for election; and
(C) instructions for becoming a candidate for a community council position.
(iii) The principal of the school, or the principal's designee, shall oversee the electionsheld under Subsections (5)(a) and (5)(b).
(iv) Ballots cast in an election held under Subsection (5)(b) shall be deposited in a secureballot box;
(d) Results of the elections held under Subsections (5)(a) and (5)(b) shall be madeavailable to the public upon request.
(e) (i) If a parent or guardian position on a school community council remains unfilledafter an election is held, the other parent or guardian members of the council shall appoint aparent or guardian who meets the qualifications of this section to fill the position.
(ii) If a school employee position on a school community council remains unfilled afteran election is held, the other school employee members of the council shall appoint a schoolemployee to fill the position.
(iii) The chair of the community council shall notify the local school board of eachappointment made under Subsection (5)(e)(i), (ii), or (iii).
(iv) A member appointed to a school community council under Subsection (5)(e)(i) or(ii) shall serve a two-year term.
(f) Initial terms shall be staggered so that no more than 50% of the council membersstand for election in any one year.
(g) (i) Each public school, in consultation with its local school board, shall set thebeginning date of the term of office for school community council members.
(ii) Council members may serve up to three successive terms.
(h) (i) Each school community council shall elect a chair and vice chair from its parent orguardian members and elected employee members.
(ii) No more than one parent or guardian member or elected employee member may atthe same time serve as an officer specified in Subsection (5)(h)(i).
(6) (a) A school community council may create subcommittees or task forces to:
(i) advise or make recommendations to the council; or
(ii) develop all or part of a plan listed in Subsection (3).
(b) Any plan or part of a plan developed by a subcommittee or task force shall be subjectto the approval of the school community council.
(c) A school community council may appoint individuals who are not council membersto serve on a subcommittee or task force, including parents, school employees, or othercommunity members.
(7) (a) A school community council shall provide the following information:
(i) the proposed school community council meeting schedule for the year, provided
during the first two weeks of the school year;
(ii) a summary of the school community council's actions and activities during the firsthalf of the school year information, provided at the mid-point of the school year; and
(iii) a summary of the annual report required under Section 53A-16-101.5 on how theschool's School LAND Trust Program monies were used to enhance or improve academicexcellence at the school and implement a component of the school's improvement plan, providedat the beginning of the next school year.
(b) The school community council shall provide the information described in Subsection(7)(a) by:
(i) posting the information on the school's website; and
(ii) providing individual delivery to each household that has a student attending theschool by:
(A) mailing the information;
(B) delivering a voice message describing the information and explaining where toobtain the full information;
(C) sending an e-mail message containing the information;
(D) providing the information in a packet that is to be delivered to a student's parent orguardian:
(I) during the school's annual registration period; or
(II) with the student's report card; or
(E) using a combination of the methods described in Subsections (7)(b)(ii)(A) through(D).
(8) A school community council shall, at least one week prior to a meeting, post thefollowing information on the school's website:
(a) notice of the meeting date, time, and place;
(b) an agenda for the meeting; and
(c) a summary of the previous meeting.
Amended by Chapter 157, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 178, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 332, 2008 General Session