53A-1a-108.5. School improvement plan. (1) (a) Each school community council shall annually evaluate the school's U-PASS testresults and use the evaluations in developing a school improvement plan.
(b) In evaluating U-PASS test results and developing a school improvement plan, aschool community council may not have access to data that reveal the identity of students.
(2) Each school improvement plan shall:
(a) identify the school's most critical academic needs;
(b) recommend a course of action to meet the identified needs;
(c) list any programs, practices, materials, or equipment that the school will need toimplement its action plan to have a direct impact on the instruction of students and result inmeasurable increased student performance; and
(d) describe how the school intends to enhance or improve academic achievement,including how financial resources available to the school, such as School LAND Trust Programmoney received under Section
53A-16-101.5 and state and federal grants, will be used to enhanceor improve academic achievement.
(3) The school improvement plan shall focus on the school's most critical academicneeds but may include other actions to enhance or improve academic achievement andcommunity environment for students.
(4) The school principal shall make available to the school community council the schoolbudget and other data needed to develop the school improvement plan.
(5) The school improvement plan shall be subject to the approval of the local schoolboard of the school district in which the school is located.
(6) A school community council may develop a multiyear school improvement plan, butthe plan must be presented to and approved annually by the local school board.
(7) Each school shall:
(a) implement the school improvement plan as developed by the school communitycouncil and approved by the local school board;
(b) provide ongoing support for the council's plan; and
(c) meet local school board reporting requirements regarding performance andaccountability.
Enacted by Chapter 324, 2002 General Session