53A-1a-501.6. Power and duties of State Charter School Board. (1) The State Charter School Board shall:
(a) authorize and promote the establishment of charter schools, subject to the provisionsin this part;
(b) annually review and evaluate the performance of charter schools authorized by theState Charter School Board and hold the schools accountable for their performance;
(c) monitor charter schools authorized by the State Charter School Board for compliancewith federal and state laws, rules, and regulations;
(d) provide technical support to charter schools and persons seeking to establish charterschools by:
(i) identifying and promoting successful charter school models;
(ii) facilitating the application and approval process for charter school authorization;
(iii) directing charter schools and persons seeking to establish charter schools to sourcesof private funding and support;
(iv) reviewing and evaluating proposals to establish charter schools for the purpose ofsupporting and strengthening proposals before an application for charter school authorization issubmitted to a chartering entity; and
(v) assisting charter schools to understand and carry out their charter obligations;
(e) provide technical support, as requested, to a chartering entity relating to charterschools;
(f) make recommendations on legislation and rules pertaining to charter schools to theLegislature and State Board of Education, respectively; and
(g) make recommendations to the State Board of Education on the funding of charterschools.
(2) The State Charter School Board may:
(a) contract;
(b) sue and be sued; and
(c) (i) at the discretion of the charter school, provide administrative services to, orperform other school functions for, charter schools authorized by the State Charter School Board;and
(ii) charge fees for the provision of services or functions.
Amended by Chapter 353, 2010 General Session