53A-1a-509. Noncompliance -- Rulemaking. (1) (a) If a charter school is found to be out of compliance with the requirements ofSection
53A-1a-507 or the school's charter, the chartering entity shall notify the school'sgoverning board in writing that the school has a reasonable time to remedy the deficiency, exceptas otherwise provided in Subsection
(b) If the school does not remedy the deficiency within the established timeline, thechartering entity may:
(i) remove a school director or finance officer;
(ii) remove governing board members;
(iii) appoint an interim director or mentor to work with the charter school; or
(iv) terminate the school's charter.
(c) The costs of an interim director or mentor appointed pursuant to Subsection (1)(b)shall be paid from the funds of the charter school for which the interim director or mentor isworking.
(2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, theState Board of Education shall make rules:
(a) specifying the timeline for remedying deficiencies under Subsection (1)(a); and
(b) ensuring the compliance of a charter school with its approved charter.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session