53A-1a-515. Charters authorized by local school boards. (1) Individuals and entities identified in Section
53A-1a-504 may enter into an agreementwith a local school board to establish and operate a charter school within the geographicalboundaries of the school district administered by the board.
(2) (a) An existing public school that converts to charter status under a charter granted bya local school board may:
(i) continue to receive the same services from the school district that it received prior toits conversion; or
(ii) contract out for some or all of those services with other public or private providers.
(b) Any other charter school authorized by a local school board may contract with theboard to receive some or all of the services referred to in Subsection (3)(a).
(3) (a) (i) A public school that converts to a charter school under a charter granted by alocal school board shall receive funding:
(A) through the school district; and
(B) on the same basis as it did prior to its conversion to a charter school.
(ii) The school may also receive federal money designated for charter schools under anyfederal program.
(b) (i) A local school board-authorized charter school operating in a facility owned by theschool district and not paying reasonable rent to the school district shall receive funding:
(A) through the school district; and
(B) on the same basis that other district schools receive funding.
(ii) The school may also receive federal money designated for charter schools under anyfederal program.
(c) Subject to the provisions in Section
53A-1a-502.5, a charter school authorized by alocal school board shall receive funding as provided in Section
(d) (i) A charter school authorized by a local school board, but not described inSubsection (3)(a), (b), or (c) shall receive funding:
(A) through the school district; and
(B) on the same basis that other district schools receive funding.
(ii) The school may also receive federal money designated for charter schools under anyfederal program.
(4) (a) A local school board that receives an application for a charter school under thissection shall, within 45 days, either accept or reject the application.
(b) If the board rejects the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing of thereason for the rejection.
(c) The applicant may submit a revised application for reconsideration by the board.
(d) If the local school board refuses to authorize the applicant, the applicant may seek acharter from the State Charter School Board under Section
(5) The State Board of Education shall make a rule providing for a timeline for theopening of a charter school following the approval of a charter school application by a localschool board.
(6) (a) After approval of a charter school application, the applicant and the local schoolboard shall set forth the terms and conditions for the operation of the charter school in a writtencontractual agreement.
(b) The agreement is the school's charter.
(7) A local school board shall:
(a) annually review and evaluate the performance of charter schools authorized by thelocal school board and hold the schools accountable for their performance;
(b) monitor charter schools authorized by the local school board for compliance withfederal and state laws, rules, and regulations; and
(c) provide technical support to charter schools authorized by the local school board toassist them in understanding and performing their charter obligations.
(8) A local school board may terminate a charter school it authorizes as provided inSections
53A-1a-509 and
(9) In addition to the exemptions described in Sections
53A-1a-511 and
53A-1a-512, acharter school authorized by a local school board is:
(a) not required to separately submit a report or information required under this title tothe State Board of Education if the information is included in a report or information that issubmitted by the local school board or school district; and
(b) exempt from the requirement under Section
53A-1a-507 that a charter school shall beorganized and managed under Title 16, Chapter 6a, Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act.
Amended by Chapter 162, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 303, 2010 General Session