53A-1a-517. Charter school assets. (1) (a) A charter school may receive, hold, manage, and use any devise, bequest, grant,endowment, gift, or donation of any asset made to the school for any of the purposes of this part.
(b) Unless a donor or grantor specifically provides otherwise in writing, all assetsdescribed in Subsection (1) shall be presumed to be made to the charter school and shall beincluded in the charter school's assets.
(2) It is unlawful for any person affiliated with a charter school to demand or request anygift, donation, or contribution from a parent, teacher, employee, or other person affiliated withthe charter school as a condition for employment or enrollment at the school or continuedattendance at the school.
(3) All assets purchased with charter school funds shall be included in the charterschool's assets.
(4) A charter school may not dispose of its assets in violation of the provisions of thispart, state board rules, policies of its chartering entity, or its charter, including the provisionsgoverning the closure of a charter school under Section
Enacted by Chapter 344, 2007 General Session