53A-1a-601. Job enhancements for mathematics, science, technology, and specialeducation training. (1) As used in this part, "special education teacher" includes occupational therapist.
(2) The Public Education Job Enhancement Program is established to attract, train, andretain highly qualified:
(a) secondary teachers with expertise in mathematics, physics, chemistry, physicalscience, learning technology, or information technology;
(b) special education teachers; and
(c) teachers in grades four through six with mathematics endorsements.
(3) The program shall provide for the following:
(a) application by a school district superintendent or the principal of a school on behalfof a qualified teacher;
(b) an award of up to $20,000 or a scholarship to cover the tuition costs for a master'sdegree, an endorsement, or graduate education in the areas identified in Subsection (2) to begiven to selected public school teachers on a competitive basis:
(i) whose applications are approved under Subsection
53A-1a-602(4); and
(ii) who teach in the state's public education system for four years in the areas identifiedin Subsection (2);
(c) (i) as to the cash awards under Subsection (3)(b), payment of the award in twoinstallments, with an initial payment of up to $10,000 at the beginning of the term and up to$10,000 at the conclusion of the term;
(ii) repayment of a portion of the initial payment by the teacher if the teacher fails tocomplete two years of the four-year teaching term in the areas identified in Subsection (2) asprovided by rule of the State Board of Education in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, unless waived for good cause by the Job EnhancementCommittee created in Section
53A-1a-602; and
(iii) nonpayment of the second installment if the teacher fails to complete the four-yearteaching term; and
(d) (i) as to the scholarships awarded under Subsection (3)(b), provision for theproviding institution to certify adequate performance in obtaining the master's degree,endorsement, or graduate education in order for the teacher to maintain the scholarship; and
(ii) repayment by the teacher of a prorated portion of the scholarship, if the teacher failsto complete the authorized classes or program or to teach in the state system of public educationin the areas identified in Subsection (2) for four years after obtaining the master's degree, theendorsement, or graduate education.
(4) An individual teaching in the public schools under a letter of authorization mayparticipate in the cash award program if:
(a) the individual has taught under the letter of authorization for at least one year in theareas referred to in Subsection (2); and
(b) the application made under Subsection (3)(a) is based in large part upon theindividual receiving a superior evaluation as a classroom teacher.
(5) (a) The program may provide for the expenditure of up to $1,000,000 of availablemonies, if at least an equal amount of matching monies become available, to provide professionaldevelopment training to superintendents, administrators, and principals in the effective use oftechnology in public schools.
(b) An award granted under this Subsection (5) shall be made in accordance with criteriadeveloped and adopted by the Job Enhancement Committee created in Section
(c) An amount up to $120,000 of the $1,000,000 authorized in Subsection (5)(a) may beexpended, regardless of the matching monies being available.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session