school year for which a scholarship is sought; and
(ii) the scholarship student's household size as the applicable household size for thepurpose of determining maximum annual income under the income eligibility guideline.
(4) Full-year scholarships shall be awarded in the amounts shown in the following table,or for the amount of tuition for a full year, whichever is less.
If the annual income of a scholarship
student's parents is: The full-year scholarship amount is:
Less than or equal to 100% of the
income eligibility guideline $3,000
Greater than 100% but less than or equal
to 125% of the income eligibility guideline $2,750
Greater than 125% but less than or equal to
150% of the income eligibility guideline $2,500
Greater than 150% but less than or equal to
175% of the income eligibility guideline $2,250
Greater than 175% but less than or equal to
200% of the income eligibility guideline $2,000
Greater than 200% but less than or equal to
225% of the income eligibility guideline $1,750
Greater than 225% but less than or equal to
250% of the income eligibility guideline $1,000
Greater than 250% of the income eligibility guideline $500
(5) The full-year scholarship amounts shown in the table in Subsection (4) apply toscholarships for all grades except kindergarten. The full-year scholarship amount forkindergarten shall be .55 times the amounts shown in the table in Subsection (4).
(6) The board shall annually increase the full-year scholarship amounts shown in thetable in Subsection (4) by the same percentage annual increase in the value of the weighted pupilunit established in Section 53A-17a-103.
(7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b), upon review and receipt ofdocumentation that verifies a student's admission to, or continuing enrollment and attendance at,a private school, the board shall make scholarship payments in four equal amounts no later thanSeptember 1, November 1, February 1, and April 15 of each school year in which a scholarship isin force.
(b) In accordance with board rule, the board shall make a scholarship payment before thefirst quarterly payment of the school year, if a private school requires partial payment of tuitionbefore the start of the school year to reserve space for a student admitted to the school.
(8) A parent of a scholarship student and the student's private school shall notify theboard if the student does not have continuing enrollment and attendance at the private school.
(9) Before scholarship payments are made, the board shall cross-check enrollment lists ofscholarship students, school districts, and youth in custody to ensure that scholarship paymentsare not erroneously made.
(10) (a) Scholarship payments shall be made by the board by individual warrant madepayable to the student's parent and mailed by the board to the private school. The parent shallrestrictively endorse the warrant to the private school for deposit into the account of the privateschool.
Enacted by Chapter 30, 2007 General Session