53A-1a-902. Voluntary extended-day kindergarten program. (1) If funds are appropriated for this purpose, the State Board of Education shall allocateavailable funds, consistent with Section
53A-1a-903, to charter schools and school districts thatapply to offer extended-day kindergarten.
(2) A school district shall coordinate program application, funding, administration, andreporting for its schools that participate in the program.
(3) A charter school or school district:
(a) may not require a student to participate in extended-day kindergarten;
(b) shall continue to offer part-day kindergarten for students not participating in theprogram; and
(c) shall continue to honor the provisions of any preexisting contractual agreementrelated to other early intervention programs offered at the school site, through the remaining termof the contract.
(4) A charter school or school district that receives funds under this part shall:
(a) annually conduct a kindergarten readiness assessment for incoming kindergartenstudents prior to the beginning of the school year;
(b) ensure that:
(i) a majority of students enrolled in an extended-day kindergarten class under this partare students who have the greatest need for additional instruction, as determined by thekindergarten readiness assessment; and
(ii) an extended-day kindergarten class does not have more enrolled students than otherkindergarten classes in the school;
(c) utilize allocated funds to establish extended-day kindergarten in the schools withgreatest need as measured by the percentage of students eligible for free lunch; and
(d) annually report to the State Board of Education regarding:
(i) the number of students served;
(ii) the specific results achieved by the program, including any standardized testing ordistrict-directed assessment;
(iii) challenges encountered in administering the program and suggestions forimprovement; and
(iv) specific accountability for and tracking of the voluntary extended-day kindergartenprogram dollars each year.
(5) Until 2012, the superintendent of public instruction shall annually report to theEducation Interim Committee on the program, including a summary of information reportedunder Subsection (4)(d).
(6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, andconsistent with this part, the State Board of Education shall make rules establishing applicationand reporting procedures necessary to administer this part.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session