53A-2-104. Transfer of a portion of a school district -- Board resolution -- Boardpetition -- Elector petition -- Transfer election. (1) Part of a school district may be transferred to another district in one of the followingways:
(a) presentation to the county legislative body of each of the affected counties of aresolution requesting the transfer, approved by at least four-fifths of the members of the localboard of education of each affected school district;
(b) presentation to the county legislative body of each affected county of a petitionrequesting that the electors vote on the transfer, signed by a majority of the members of the localschool board of each affected school district; or
(c) presentation to the county legislative body of each affected county of a petitionrequesting that the electors vote on the transfer, signed by 15% of the qualified electors in each ofthe affected school districts within that county.
(2) (a) If an annexation of property by a city would result in its residents being served bymore than one school district, then the presidents of the affected local school boards shall meetwithin 60 days prior to the effective date of the annexation to determine whether it would beadvisable to adjust school district boundaries to permit all residents of the expanded city to beserved by a single school district.
(b) Upon conclusion of the meeting, the local school board presidents shall prepare arecommendation for presentation to their respective boards as soon as reasonably possible.
(c) The boards may then initiate realignment proceedings under Subsection (1)(a) or (b).
(d) If a local board rejects realignment under Subsection (1)(a) or (b), the other boardmay initiate the following procedures by majority vote within 60 days of the vote rejectingrealignment:
(i) (A) within 30 days after a vote to initiate these procedures, each local board shallappoint one member to a boundary review committee; or
(B) if the local board becomes deadlocked in selecting the appointee under Subsection(2)(d)(i)(A), the board's chair shall make the appointment or serve as the appointee to the reviewcommittee.
(ii) The two local board-appointed members of the committee shall meet and appoint athird member of the committee.
(iii) If the two local board-appointed members are unable to agree on the appointment ofa third member within 30 days after both are appointed, the State Superintendent of PublicInstruction shall appoint the third member.
(iv) The committee shall meet as necessary to prepare recommendations concerningresolution of the realignment issue, and shall submit the recommendations to the affected localboards within six months after the appointment of the third member of the committee.
(v) If a majority of the members of each local board accepts the recommendation of thecommittee, or accepts the recommendation after amendment by the boards, then the acceptedrecommendation shall be implemented.
(vi) If the committee fails to submit its recommendation within the time allotted, or ifone local board rejects the recommendation, the affected boards may agree to extend the time forthe committee to prepare an acceptable recommendation or either board may request the StateBoard of Education to resolve the question.
(vii) If the committee has submitted a recommendation which the state board finds to be
reasonably supported by the evidence, the state board shall adopt the committee'srecommendation.
(viii) The decision of the state board is final.
(3) (a) The electors of each affected district shall vote on the transfer requested underSubsection (1)(b) or (c) at an election called for that purpose, which may be the next generalelection.
(b) The election shall be conducted and the returns canvassed as provided by electionlaw.
(c) A transfer is effected only if a majority of votes cast by the electors in both theproposed transferor district and in the proposed transferee district are in favor of the transfer.
Amended by Chapter 215, 2007 General Session